Monday 24 October 2022

Oh Comely Language and Representation: Blog Tasks :)

Language: close-textual analysis

Work through the following tasks to complete your close-textual analysis of the Oh Comely CSP pages:

Front cover

1) What do the typefaces used on the front cover suggest to an audience?

The typeface used on the front cover of Oh Comely is sans serif which communicates to the audience that Oh Comely is a magazine that moves with the times and provides representations that reflect the changing society. It could also be said that there is a sense of community due to the intimate connotations provided by the masthead which could be intentional due to the niche nature of the magazine 

2) The words under the title introduce the content and topics addressed. What do these suggest about the potential audience of Oh Comely?

The words under the title ('stories/film/music/fashion/mischief/ideas') introduce the content and topics addressed which suggests that the audience of Oh Comely is likely to be young and artistic people who accept and embrace alternative forms of media and expression 

3) How do the cover lines use narrative to create enigma? What do the cover lines suggest about the magazine's content and audience?

The cover lines ('Power and poise Words of hard-won wisdom Surprisingly strong things') use narrative in order to create enigma through the ambiguity and lack of cover lines which considered unconventional for mainstream magazines which tend to have heavy emphasis on engaging with audience's interest as an attempt to encourage them to purchase the magazine and read it for themselves 

4) Write an analysis of the central image.

The central image of the magazine has deliberately been set up in order to seem androgynous through the short hair and thick eyebrows of the model which subverts typical magazine conventions of sexualising women and men- this is a strong part of what Oh Comely stands for in terms of embracing the new attitudes towards gender and identity reflecting. Applications of David Gauntlett's key ideas can be applied here based on the evolution of gender and identity (identity is becoming more fluid and things change over time). The model also seems to be wearing some light natural makeup and the lack of photoshop and airbrushing helps to make them seem more like a real human than someone completely unattainable. Again, this is another subversion of mainstream magazine conventions that increases the audience pleasure of personal identity (Blumler and Katz) because it makes the models seem more human-like and relatable to the audience. The choice of clothing is also significant in that it helps to create a sense of elegance in the model which is contrasted by the huge earrings which attracts instant attention and it portrays a more progressive style of fashion 

5) What representation of gender can be found on this front cover?

The representation of gender in this magazine reinforces its fluidity in this age as the model isn't presented as particularly feminine or masculine creating a more gender fluid/gender non-conforming representation which is very suitable for the acceptance of the fluidity of gender in society 

Feature: Speaking Out

1) What does the headline and standfirst suggest about Oh Comely's feminist perspective?

The headline and standfirst suggest Oh Comely's feminist perspective due to its suggestion that the readers 'need to know about' the 'strong voices' of the five women in the magazine. This theme of female strength runs throughout the whole issue of Oh Comely and the line "follow and inspire your own revolution" gives connotations to fourth-wave feminism 

2) What do the interviewees in this feature suggest about the values and ideologies that underpin this magazine?

The interviewees in this feature suggest that the values and ideologies that underpin this magazine are diversity in terms of body types and not only in terms of race. The first feature from Fahma Mohamed (an FGM campaigner) shows that she is wearing a hijab which provides an authentic and genuine representation of Muslim women which is not found in media often. Despite the very serious issue and threat of FGM, it lacks representation and coverage in mainstream media so Oh Comely reporting on this issue reinforces the niche and independent nature of the magazine. In another feature with the interviewee Megan Jayne Crabbe, a body positivity blogger, the image used for the feature rejects Laura Mulvey's male gaze and seems to allude more to third-wave feminism in the sense that she is reclaiming her body which once would have only been seen as the property of men in turn helping to reinforce the niche feminist perspective of Oh Comely. The quote for this feature "My beauty ripples. My thighs make waves" explicitly challenges the accepted western beauty standards that van Zoonen discussed in regards to women being seen as a 'spectacle'. This undeniably portrays Oh Comely's stance with regards to their values and ideologies- they challenge the norm in order to give strength to women in support of their feminist views 

3) How conventional is the page design in this feature? Why?

The page design in this feature is considered unconventional due to the very minimalistic cover with lots of blank white space. The interviewees have very uniform page setups which includes a picture of them, their name, profession, pull quote, the interview and then their social media username. An almost art book portrayal is given through this but it also gives the reader the opportunity to focus on each interview without distractions of other things on the page which may not be relevant to the cause 

4) Pick out specific aspects of this feature that subvert the stereotypical representation of women in the media. Are they different to what we may find in conventional women's lifestyle magazines such as Glamour or Cosmopolitan? Why is the absence of men a key feature of Oh Comely?

The interview with Megan Jayne Crabbe links to van Zoonen's idea of women being a 'spectacle' due to the expectation to adhere to western beauty standards (being skinny, white and blonde). In the image of Megan, she subverts this outdated beauty standard instead being proud and happy with her body which has been deliberately reinforced by the quote "My beauty ripples. My thighs make waves". This is far from conventional women's lifestyle magazines such as Glamour and Cosmopolitan due to their reinforcement of outdated representations of women. The absence of men is such a significant feature of Oh Comely as it subverts the typical domination that men have in the media which has taken away from the opportunities available for women- a magazine with only women presents the idea that women deserve the spotlight instead of exclusively men 

5) How does the photography offer a fresh or unusual perspective on women?

The photography offers a fresh perspective on women due to the obvious lack of photoshop in the photos which provides a very authentic and real representation of women as supposed to the conventional oversexualisation of women in the media. Another fresh perspective of women is the newfound focus on their faces rather than on their bodies (which has been the norm for decades) which again helps to subvert van Zoonen's theory of women being a 'spectacle' 

Feature: More than gender

1) How does this feature offer a fresh perspective on gender and identity?

This feature offers a fresh perspective on gender and identity due to the nature being about two siblings who are sharing their experience with shifting identity. The application of David Gauntlett is suitable here, especially his suggestion that identity is becoming more fluid 

2) What is the significance of the writer and photographer? How does this fit with the Oh Comely brand?

The significance of the writer and photographer is that it is by Andrea Allan (one of the siblings in the feature). This undeniably matches Oh Comely's brand as they allow Andrea to use their voice to tell their own story in their own way. There is a sense of personal identity and personal relationship (Blumler and Katz) due to the more authentic representation of Ash and Andrea due to the sibling dynamic they have in real life- the feature becomes much more personal which is a key goal of Oh Comely 

3) What style of photography is used in this feature?

The style of photography is considered intimate and realistic, the first image being a picture of a picture of Ash and Andrea as children in a family photo. This photo creates an intimate and informal environment that almost allows the readers to feel like they have known them since they were children. There are two images placed side by side of Ash and Allan now older both standing against brick walls and facing each other despite them being two separate images- this almost shows that despite their journeys they have stuck together and can rely on each other for support and stability no matter what. Scenery is the image focus for the next few pages which could arguably be a way of Oh Comely presenting transitioning and gender fluidity as a natural journey 

4) What representations of the transgender lifestyle can be found in this feature?

The representations of the transgender lifestyle that can be found in this feature are that it isn't a straightforward process as well as being completely natural. After Ash first transitioned, there was a second transition but even then it wasn't going back to how things were before as Ash decided to keep their androgynous name and their gender is oscillating rather than being fixed. Ash's' transition made them feel more comfortable as they were able to fully express and be who they were according to how they felt in the moment 

5) Why is the biographical information at the end of the article significant? (Clue: the writer is also an editor of a niche, creative magazine called Entitle)

The biographical information at the end of the article is significant due to its emphasis on the fact that there is a place for niche forms of media. A sense of community has been given here as well as creative freedom in order to present a magazine that is not competitive with other magazines, they are simply independent and presenting their own story 

Representation and identity

Work through the following questions on representation and Oh Comely:

1) How do representations in Oh Comely challenge stereotypes? 

Representations in Oh Comely challenge stereotypes due to the deliberate selection of models that contrast western beauty standards that traditional magazines still abide by. Oh Comely also challenges stereotypes of black people being entertainers by featuring people from ethnic minorities who are educated and are in positions of high standing. Oh Comely also challenges the traditional representations of gender being black and white with the 'More than Gender' feature which viewed gender more fluidly 

2) What representations of race, ethnicity and nationality can be found in the 'Speaking Out' feature?

In the 'Speaking Out' feature there are many positive and diverse representations of race, ethnicity and nationality. The writer, Fahma Mohamed, is a Somali FGM campaigner and Deanna Rodger is a Jamaican-Scottish Brit Poet. Minorities are undeniably being represented as being able to hold talent and power in Oh Comley where they may have been made to feel otherwise elsewhere 

3) What representation of women and femininity can be found in Oh Comely?

The representation of women and femininity in Oh Comely is empowering, strong and independent as a way of inspiring other women. The quote "Why aren't there more women in tech? It shouldn't just be a boy's club" empowers women to feel like they are just as capable as men in a world where men have been said to hold an unattainable amount of power and talent 

4) Why might Oh Comely deliberately under-represent men? (The absence of men in the magazine appears to be a largely deliberate move by the editors).

The deliberate under-representation of men presents the idea that there has been more than enough representation of men in the media and women deserve the same attention in the media that men have been getting for decades. The strong feminist perspective of Oh Comely is known as a way to empower women without the need for a man to be present- most other forms of media empower women through the use and mention of men but Oh Comely subverts this and still empowers women through the absence of men 

5) Does Oh Comely fit into the possible fourth wave of feminism? Or is it evidence of post-feminism - that feminism is no longer needed?

The possible fourth wave of feminism may be applied to Oh Comely due to its emphasis on the fact that there is an issue with the representation of women's bodies in the media nowadays to appeal to the male gaze which was put forward by Laura Mulvey 

6) How does the 'More than gender' feature challenge Levi-Strauss's structuralist theory of binary opposition?

The 'More than Gender' feature challenges Levi-Strauss's structuralist theory of binary opposition as it suggests that things aren't as black and white as being either male or female 

7) Judith Butler argues gender is a performance. How does Oh Comely challenge traditional gender roles? You should refer to both the cover and the selected CSP features. 

Oh Comely challenges traditional gender roles with the front cover of the issue as they have chosen a model who is deliberately androgynous due to the thick eyebrows and short hair so traditional gender representations of being either male or female have been subverted and reinforces the idea that gender isn't fixed and rather is considered fluid 

8) Liesbet van Zoonen has suggested women's bodies are objectified and artificially constructed to present women as passive and restricted to secondary roles. How does Oh Comely challenge this stereotypical representation of women in the media? 

Oh Comely challenges the stereotypical representation of women in the media that Liesbet van Zoonen suggested with her sex role stereotypes as the women in Oh Comely are play the dominant role in all steps of production and the rest of the components that make up the magazine. The features are about women, the editors are women and even the 3 people that created the magazine are women which empowers women and proves that they can be powerful and talented and capable of being in charge of something without the help of a man 

9) David Gauntlett argues that identity is becoming more fluid, media representations change over time and that there are generational differences. Does Oh Comely support this viewpoint?

Oh Comely supports David Gauntlett's viewpoint that identity is becoming more fluid, media representations change over time and that there are generational differences. The 'More than Gender' feature undeniably supports Gauntlett's view that identity is becoming more fluid as Ash was able to transition to an identity that made them feel the most comfortable which would not have been acceptable in the past but is now much more accepted within societies which proves that things change over time 

10) It has been argued that Oh Comely is a far more open text (Stuart Hall - encoding and decoding/reception theory) with more room for negotiation in interpretation. Do you agree with this view? Why?

I wholeheartedly agree that Oh Comely is a far more open text (Stuart Hall - reception theory) with more room for negotiation in interpretation as Oh Comely's main purpose is to uplift and empower women by praising them for their work rather than just their bodies. However, the strong feminist perspective comes with the interpretation that the creators are 'man-haters' rather than simply empowering females which is the main focus of Oh Comely 

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